In the previous guid (here), we took a look at HM-10 module and how to connect it to STM32F4. In this guide, we shall use this module in full duplex to control LED and send strings from STM32F4 to a phone.
In this guide, we shall cover the following:
- Library development.
- Code.
- Results.
7. Library development:
We start off by creating new source and header file with name of hm_10.c and hm_10.h respectively.
Within the header file, include header guard:
#ifndef HM_10_H_ #define HM_10_H_ #endif /* HM_10_H_ */
Declare the following enums which handle the baudrate:

typedef enum { Buad9600=0, Buad19200=1, Baud38400=2, Baud57666=3, Baud115200=4 }HM10_BuadRate_Typedef;
Another enum to handle role as master or slave:

In my case (0 means slave and 1 means master):
typedef enum { Slave=0, Master=1 }HM10_Role_Typedef;
Also, set of functions that needed:
void setBuadRate(HM10_BuadRate_Typedef baud); void setRole(HM10_Role_Typedef role); void setName(char *c); void FactoryReset(); void moduleReset();
Hence, the header file as following:
#ifndef HM_10_H_ #define HM_10_H_ #include "stdint.h" typedef enum { Buad9600=0, Buad19200=1, Baud38400=2, Baud57666=3, Baud115200=4 }HM10_BuadRate_Typedef; typedef enum { Slave=0, Master=1 }HM10_Role_Typedef; void setBuadRate(HM10_BuadRate_Typedef baud); void setRole(HM10_Role_Typedef role); void setName(char *c); void FactoryReset(); void moduleReset(); #endif /* HM_10_H_ */
Now, in the source code, include the following header files:
#include "hm_10.h" #include "hm_10_uart.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "led.h"
Declare a character array to handle the AT command:
static char AT_Array[20];
Volatile variable to store the incoming data from UART:
volatile char uart1_rec;
Set buadrate function will take the enum of buadrate as argument:
void setBuadRate(HM10_BuadRate_Typedef baud) { sprintf(AT_Array,"AT+BAUD%d\r\n",baud); hm10_write_at_command(AT_Array); }
By sending for example (AT_BAUD0), it will set the buadrate to 9600.
To set the role function, it will take role enum as argument:
void setRole(HM10_Role_Typedef role) { sprintf(AT_Array,"AT+ROLE%d\r\n",role); hm10_write_at_command(AT_Array); }
Set name function will set the name of the module and takes string as argument:
void setName(char *c) { sprintf(AT_Array,"AT+NAME%s\r\n",c); hm10_write_at_command(AT_Array); }
To factory reset the module (default state):

void FactoryReset() { sprintf(AT_Array,"AT+RENEW\r\n"); hm10_write_at_command(AT_Array); }
To restart the module (exit AT mode):

void moduleReset() { sprintf(AT_Array,"AT+RESET\r\n"); hm10_write_at_command(AT_Array); }
Since the UART is used in interrupt mode to receive the character, we shall declare a callback function as weak:
Declaring a function as weak it, you can override it in another source file without any issue:
__WEAK void HC_12_Callback(unsigned char ch) { if (ch == '1') { led_toggle(); } } void USART1_IRQHandler (void) { if(USART1->SR & USART_SR_RXNE){ uart1_rec=USART1->DR; HC_12_Callback(uart1_rec); USART1->SR &= ~USART_SR_RXNE;} }
In the main.c file:
#include "hm_10_uart.h" #include "led.h" #include "time_base.h" #include "exti.h" #include "hm_10.h" uint32_t previousTicks; int main() { Ticks_Init(16000000); PC13_EXTI_Init(); led_init(); hm10_uart_init(9600,16000000); FactoryReset(); delay(100); moduleReset(); delay(100); while(1) { if(get_Ticks()-previousTicks>=1000) { hm10_write_string("Hello from STM32F411RE Nucleo-64\r\n"); previousTicks=get_Ticks(); } } }
8. Code:
You may download the code from here:
9. Results:
Happy coding 🙂
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